Most game programming books seem to focus on a specific topic like DirectX or OpenGL. This book includes everything necessary to build a complete game, including source code, tutorials, and third party software for creating models, sound effects, character animation and more. Using Visual Basic as the preferred language, the projects may be converted and built using C++, C#, or others.

Key Features
* Create game components using Microsoft DirectX 8.0 Software Development Kit, Milkshape 3D, Paint Shop Pro, Cool Edit 2000, TrueVision 3D, and ACID
* Create a Half-Life MDL viewer for testing new models
* CD-ROM is loaded with source code, tutorials, and third-party software

On the CD! The CD-ROM includes all of the necessary tools (with the exception of Visual Basic) to write the programs that are developed in each chapter. It also includes full color images of all of the figures in the book and the source code and executable files for the sample projects.

* Microsoft DirectX 8.0 Software Development Kit
* PaintShop Pro 7.0 (Evaluation Copy)
* Milkshape 3D version 1.5.9 (Evaluation Copy)
* TrueVision 3D 5 Engine (Shareware Copy)
* Acid 2.0 d (Evaluation Copy)
* Cool Edit 2000 (Evaluation Version) FIGURES:
* The full color version of all the figures in the book

* 2D sample textures
* Milkshape 3D created models
* A design document template/sample
* Music and sound effects

*Arranged by chapter and includes the source code and executable files for every sample in the book